Learning Abilities 2018-01-31T19:34:45+00:00

Learning Abilities

Attention in Learning

The ability to attend and stay on task is critical to our ability to function within society. Without it our world appears disorganized and chaotic. For children the inability to pay attention and stay on task while learning new skills and information can be frustrating……It can also be frustrating for parents and teachers of students.

If the child senses this frustration within their parents and teachers, coupled with their own frustrations they may lose motivation, become aggressive or feel hopeless.

The inability to pay attention and learn efficiently is a function of how well the brain and its supporting brain systems are performing. Assessing the child’s neurodevelopment helps determine the child’s developmental age from their chronological age.  Often the two are very different, which can manifest as immaturity, behavior issues, or social inappropriateness.

When measuring attending skills and attention there are five primary factors considered:

  1. Ability to focus
  2. Ability to sustain focus
  3. Ability to alternate or coordinate attention
  4. Ability to discriminate
  5. Ability to divide attention to include multiple thoughts.

When these abilities are strong and well developed, learning becomes a natural skill. As part of the Brain Child program this assessment examines the child’s attention and learning abilities as well as how the child processes auditory information vs. visual information.

Based on the results of the assessments, recommendations are made for that client if there is a need to improve their attending skills. Individuals are placed in programs designed to break up neuro-inhibitors in feedback pathways, which then promote volitional, autonomic and expressive responses. Activities may include computer assisted programs that exercise the neuro-motor pathways, which in turn, promotes the development of attention and learning systems. In addition, neurocognitive and neurodevelopment activities are implemented to assist in the maturation of other brain systems.

Home-based programs also support strengthening attention and “learning” neuro-pathways. These activities include learning strategies, study skills, organizational skills, accelerated learning tools, and behavioral management techniques that help create a pleasurable environment for all involved.